These three exercises were found by McGill to be the best bang for your buck. During EMG testing they elicited the great contraction from the target muscles while having minimal amounts of spinal compression and virtually zero spinal flexion. As we learned, this is a good thing as full spinal flexion coupled with compression is a recipe for disc herniation soup.
The cumulative effect of practicing these 3 exercises will train your core musculature to act like a spinal stability belt. You see these 3 exercises target the spinal erectors, the internal and external obliques and the anterior abdominal muscles. These muscles wrap all 360 degrees of your torso so that when trained properly you'll essenetially have a bulletproof core. If you still have LBP and decent endurance in the big three, you may benefit from increased posterior chain work in the form of glute-bridges and supine planks as McGill found those who suffered from LBP had a poor ratio of posterior extensor endurance to anterior musculature endurance.
I am not speaking from an ivory tower in regards to this back injury and rehabilitation stuff. As a reckless youth, I managed to herniate my bottom disc (L5-S1) and 2 years later the disc above it (L4-L5) while simultaneously re-injuring the initial disc herniation. Yes, my lower back is jacked up! Both of these injuries were earned by performing deadlifts with poor form coupled with a tad of trying to be Superman. The pain came quickly and chronically after both injuries. After the second injury when I herniated both lower discs I spent months limping out of bed, crippled by sciatic pain. It took me a few hours to be able extend my right leg more than a short strides length without horrible pain.
By practicing what I preach & what I've taught you in the previous six posts I have been able to regain my function. It was a long hard road but I now manage the injuries without the help of any health practitioners and NEVER used any pain medications. LBP starts a downward spiral in the health and wellness of many and it doesn't have to be that way.
The above 3 exercises were integral in my rehabilitation process & should be a part of yours. (check with your Doctor. & don't sue me yada yada) My CHRONIC lower back pain decreased as my endurance and proficiency in these moves increased. As they got boring and easy, I was able to progress to higher level movements; starting with increased lumbar stability challenges & culminating with 52" Box Jumps, 385 pound Squats & 600 pound tire flips.
The main reason I know so much about building a healthy back is that I have successfully done it myself. If I do ANYTHING wrong, my lower back let's me know about it. This has been both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I educated myself by reading 4 books by the best people in the spine-sparing universe and now possess the knowledge that can many people with bad backs & a curse because, well I'm sure you can figure that out!
I hope this information provided aids you in your efforts towards building a healthy back! Please post questions and comments.
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